quarta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2007

Uma já foi! =)

Uma apresentação no Guaíra jah foi!! E deu tdo certo!!! Nossa, eu tava muuuiiito mais maquiada q as otras meninas do Street, mas tdo bem!!! hehehe... (sombra verde no olho todo, lápis e rimel preto, blush - e q blush- e batom vermelhaum, fora a purpurina...hauhauahahua)
Foi legal, q bom q dia 4 tem mais uma
daqui a poko to saindo pra faze prova d dto civil III, e sabado tem mais uma, d seguna chamada d dto empresarial II, fora os taum famosos exames finais!=(
fiko por aki

domingo, 25 de novembro de 2007

Apresentação chegando!!!

pois eh, to 100 novidades, tirando q começou a temida semana d provas, e eu jah tive 2 provas q axo q vaum me leva pra exame final.... aiaiai... mas faze oq, neh? eh pra isso q serve a facul...rsrsrs...=)

ah, terça, dia 27/11, tenho a 1ª apresentação do STREET DANCE no Teatro Guaíra... ai, q mico q eu vo paga... jah to ateh vendo...hehehehe... e dia 04/12 tem a otra...

putz, amanhã ainda tem o amigo secreto do street, mas eu nem sei oq fala da guria q eu tirei, pq nem conheço ela direito...aiai... hauhauhaua... mas dá-se um jeitinho, como em td na vida, naum eh msm?

Um espanhol e um cubano se encontram e levam um papo. O cubano pergunta:
— Você é católico?
— Eu acredito, mas não pratico. E você, é comunista?
— Eu pratico, mas não acredito.

fiko por aki
bjus e boa semana pra vcs!!!

quarta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2007


Passei na prova teórica do DETRAN!!!!
errei soh 7 das 30 (pod erra ateh 9...)
agora quero soh ver a prática... huahuahuahauha...

Site beem legal (ARJ AND POOPY) (Hilário!!!): http://arjandpoopy.com/eps.html

terça-feira, 20 de novembro de 2007


Hj teve prova no DETRAN... aiaiaiai...
nem quero ver o resultado amanhã...
fiko por aki, pq to sem novidades...

Sem aula!

Hj, mais uma segunda feira... estudando pra provinha d amanhã...
me "estressando" com umas gurias da turma do street dance, mas dexa quieto...=)
e depois, qdo resolve ir pra aula (huahuahua... soh pq naum fui a semana anterior intera...hauhauha...), naum tem, pq tem palestra... dae jah viu neh, voltei pra casa...
to sem novidades, entaum, pra enxer lingüiça, vo coloca uma "frase" q o JEMAINE, do FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS (HBO PLUS, NET, 72, 5ªs, às 22h30) disse no episódio passado prum indiano q tava com preconceito dele (e do BRET), pq os 2 saum da Nova Zelândia:
"I'm a person, Bret is a person, you are a person, that person over there is a person, and every person deserves to be treated like a person, regardless of they look like, of they smell like..." (TRADUÇÃO: "Eu sou uma pessoa, Bret eh uma pessoa, vc eh uma pessoa, aquela pessoa ali eh uma pessoa, e toda pessoa deve ser tratada como uma pessoa, sem depender de como elas saum, de qto elas fedem..."---fika muito mais engraçado em ingles...)...
Desculpa ae se vcs naum axaram engraçado, mas eu axei... ainda mais ca cara dele e o sotaque... hauhauhaua...
fiko por aki

sábado, 17 de novembro de 2007

Pra quem quiser ver:

Olah, pra quem quiser dar uma olhada no meu antigo blog, no weblogger, aih vai:


Será q vai dar certo?

Ai, ai...
Hj passei uma boa part do dia estudando pra prova teórica do DETRAN, pra tira a minha 1ª carteira d motorista... aiaiai... qto mais estudo mais tranquila eu fiko, pq vejo q ateh q eu sei bastantinha coisa... huahauhauha... mas soh quero ver no dia... vo tah uma pilha d nervos... ou naum... nunca sei se vo fika nervosa ou naum... melhor msm eh pensar positivo, como sempre faço...=)
depois d quase fika vesga d tanto estudar mecanica, fui ajuda minha irmã a limpa o aquario dela (q eh enorme), e lah fui esfrega pedrinhas e enfeites d aquario pra tira o musgo deles... huahuahuaha...
bem, por hj eh soh!!=)
bjus e bom fds!!

quinta-feira, 15 de novembro de 2007

Nada de novo, de novo...

Hj soh vi filmes (e todos eles xaaaaaaatos...): SAPATOS VERMELHOS, LIGAÇÃO PERDIDA, NÚMERO 23 e LUZES DO ALÉM!
naum tenho nada d novo pra conta, entaum fiko por aki

Nada de novo

Nenhuma novidade hj... soh q vou apresentar no guaira 2 ezes, dias 26 ou 27/11 e dia 04/12... aiaiaiai... vamos lah pagar mico...hauhauhauhauahua...
hj, como tem feriadaum xegando, fui aluga filmes... dos 8 q peguei jah vi 3... e pq fui alugar esses? aiai... O mais legalzinho eh O EX-NAMORADO DA MINHA MULHER, mas ainda assim...
bem, fiko por aki
bjus e bom feriadaum pra todos

domingo, 11 de novembro de 2007

Famous Last Words

Noo these windows are ok to lean on.

Don’t worry it has airbags.

Hey what’s that buzzing noise?

Don’t worry its not that deep.

One time at band camp.

No, he doesn’t bite?.

Hey look a light at the end of the tunnel.

I can pass this guy.

My brakes are fine.

Nice doggy.

I think it's trying to communicate...

"Homicidal Tendencies"?

Hey, you're Eminem, aren't you?

"Na, I don't think we need to go to the hospital."

"This 'telephone' has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us." -- Western Union internal memo, 1876.

"We don't like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out." -- Decca Recording Co. rejecting the Beatles, 1962.

"Drill for oil? You mean drill into the ground to try and find oil? You're crazy." -- Drillers whom Edwin L. Drake tried to enlist in his project to drill for oil in 1859.

"No flying machine will ever fly from New York to Paris." -- Orville Wright.

"Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value." -- Marechal Ferdinand Foch, Professor of Strategy, Ecole Superieure de Guerre.

"It's a dud! It's a dud! It's a du...".

"Don't touch the red button!"

Gee, that's a cute tattoo.

It's fireproof.

What does this button do?

So, you're a cannibal.

Are you sure the power is off?

Pull the pin and count to what?

Which wire was I supposed to cut?

I wonder where the mother bear is.

I've seen this done on TV.

These are the good kind of mushrooms. .

I'll hold it and you light the fuse.

You look just like Charles Manson

Let it down slowly.

OK, I'll go ahead and make your day.

This doesn't taste right.

I can make this light before it changes

I can do that with my eyes closed

look ma! no hands!

Hey that's not a violin.

Don't be so superstitious.

Now watch this.

"Luke, I lied. Bill Shatner is your real father." -- Darth Vader

"A-four and a-three and a-two and a-one..." -- Lawrence Welk

"Don't worry about the Rover. That's no cliff." -- NASA techie

"And now that I'm running my life support equipment through Windows 95, I'll never have to worry about-- beeeeeeeep..."

"I eat guys like you for breakfast!" -- Jeffrey Dahmer

"Here I sit all broken-hearted..." -- Elvis Presley

"How's he gonna read that magazine rolled up like that?" -- insect

"No, dude, this stuff is completely natural and safe, man. That's why it's called 'herbal.'"

"Dammit, Lizzie, get off your fat lazy ass and cut me some firewood!" -- Mr. Borden

"How many frickin' times do I have to say, 'In the form of a question', people?!?" -- Alex Trebek

"Yoko, why don't *you* try to sing one?"

"Took your parking space??? Well at least *I* didn't murder my wife and an innocent waiter!"

"Gotti, Schmotti -- Get the Hell off my lawn!"

Don't worry, I'm sure it's dead by now.

Let's split up, we'll cover more ground.

I dunno, press the button and find out.

Hello, is anyone home?


Don't worry, it's not contagious.

Allright, let's see, how do we work this thing?

Trust me, I know what I'm doing.

He can't hear us, he's miles away

I'll be right back.

I'm sure this isn't the poisonous kind.

Don't worry, we outnumber them.

Hey, what the hell??!

Hey, what's that beeping sound?

I'm sure it's just the wind.

Of course it's safe!

No, this tribe is peaceful!

No, I'm sure they cleaned out this mine field years ago.

Safety harness?

Wait, I thought he was with you!

What greencard?

Hey, what's this switch?

Don't move, you'll trip the sensors.

Yes, I'm single.

No, this cannot be, I am invincible!

So, you're sure this isn't loaded?

Calm down, of course I disarmed it!

What, I never signed any organ donor papers!

Well, it can't get any worse!

C'mon! This CAN'T be the self-destruct button. If it was, they wouldn't leave it lying around like this where anyone could push it!

Don't worry, they'll never find us in here!

William, is that you?

They can't hit us at this range!

All you have to do is connect these two wires.

There's only one way to find out...

Hey, when it comes to driving on snow and ice, I'm the best there is.

These pills are awfully small.. I'll take a few more to be sure they work.

Stupid safety labels...

No, no, these are safe, I've seen birds eat them all the time.

Watch, I'll prove it!

Blast off!

Nah, they're blanks.

Speaking of lost, where are we?

I know this great shortcut we can take.

Is that what I think it is?

What? Everyone knows the Titanic is unsinkable.

For God's sake, Kris, it was just a cheesecake

No, no, no, let me fix it!

Well, gentlemen, you are about to see a baked Appel.
Executed in electric chair in New York.
~~ George Appel, d. 1928.

You are going to hurt me, please don't hurt me, just one more moment, I beg you!
~~ Madame du Barry, mistress of Louis XV, d. 1793

I am going to be face to face with Jesus now. . . . I love you all very much. I will see you all when you get there. . . . I will wait for you.
Executed by injection, Texas.
~~ Karla Faye Tucker Brown, d. February 3, 1998

Take a step forward, lads. It will be easier that way.
Executed by firing squad.
~~ Erskine Childers, Irish patriot, d. November 24, 1922

Thank you for the change in my life you have given me, the love and closeness of my family and my beautiful daughter. Thank you for using me...
Executed by injection, Texas.
~~ John Cockrum, d. September 30, 1997

I'm going home, babe.
Executed by injection, Delaware.
~~ James Allen Red Dog, d. March 3, 1993

Remember, the death penalty is murder.
Executed by injection, Texas.
~~ Robert Drew, d. August 2, 1994.

Hurrah for anarchy! This is the happiest moment of my life.
Last words on the gallows.
~~ George Engel
(He was one of four executed after the 1886 Haymarket bombing in Chicago)

I love you.
Spoken to the executioner.
Executed by injection, New York.
~~ Sean Flannagan, d. June 23, 1989.

How about this for a headline for tomorrow's paper? French fries.
Executed in electric chair in Oklahoma.
~~ James French, d. 1966

I'd like to thank my family for loving me and taking care of me. And the rest of the world can kiss my ass.
Executed by injection, Texas.
~~ Johnny Frank Garrett, Sr., d. February 11, 1992.

Let's do it!
Executed by firing squad, Utah.
~~ Gary Gilmore, d. January 17, 1977

I'd rather be fishing.
Executed in electric chair, Louisiana.
~~ Jimmy Glass, d. June 12, 1987.

Good people are always so sure they're right.
Executed at San Quentin.
~~ Barbara Graham, d. June 3, 1955

I did not get my Spaghetti-O's, I got spaghetti. I want the press to know this.
Executed by injection, Oklahoma.
~~ Thomas J. Grasso, d. March 20, 1995.

Lock and load. Let's do it.
Executed by injection, Texas.
~~ G. W. Green, d. November 12, 1991

You can be a king or a street sweeper, but everyone dances with the Grim Reaper.
Executed in California's gas chamber.
~~ Robert Alton Harris, d. April 21, 1992.

It is the duty of every good officer to obey any orders given him by his commander-in-chief.
Shot by British as a spy.
~~ Nathan Hale, American hero, d. 1776

I am innocent, innocent, innocent. Make no mistake about this. I owe society nothing. I am an innocent man and something very wrong is taking place tonight.
Executed by injection, Texas.
~~ Lionel Herrera d. May 12, 1993.

I don't hold any grudges. This is my doing. Sorry it happened.
Executed in electric chair, Indiana.
~~ Steven Judy, d. March 9, 1981

Such is Life
Executed by hanging.
~~ Ned Kelly, Australian bushranger, d. 1880

I love you, mom.
Executed by injection, Texas.
~~ Clarence Lackey, d. May 20, 1997

Farewell, my children, forever. I go to your Father.
Executed by guillotine.
Monsieur, I beg your pardon.
Spoken to the executioner, after she stepped on his foot.
~~ Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, d. October 16, 1793

Today is a good day to die. I forgive all of you. I hope God does too.
Executed by injection, Texas.
~~ Mario Benjamin Murphy, d. September 17, 1997

So the heart be right, it is no matter which way the head lieth.
Executed by beheading.
~~ Sir Walter Raleigh, d. October 29, 1618.

Well, the Lord is going to get another one.
Executed in electric chair, Georgia.
~~ John Eldon Smith, d. December 15, 1983

Capital punishment: them without the capital get the punishment.
Executed in electric chair, Florida.
~~ John Spenkelink, d. May 25, 1979

Executed by injection in Maryland.
~~ John Thanos, d. May 16, 1994


"I have opinions of my own --strong opinions-- but I don't always agree with them."
- George Bush, former U.S. President

"It is white."
- George W. Bush, when asked what the White house was like by a student in East London

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Pois eh, vlw pelos cometários ae!!!
continuem comentando galera!!
Minha dor de garganta passou!!! A febre tb!!! =)
Ae vai uma "piadinha":
Preocupada com a situação mundial, a ONU decidiu perguntar às autoridades mundiais o seguinte: "Por favor, nos dê a sua opinião, honestamente, a respeito da escassez de cmida no resto do mundo". Porém, naum se obteve resposta e a confusaum foi geral, uma vez q os argentinos naum entenderam o significado de "por favor", os americanos de "resto do mundo", os africanos de "comida", os cubanos de "opinião" e o Congresso brasileiro continua discutindo qual viria a ser o significado de "HONESTAMENTE"...

bjus e bom resto d domingo

sábado, 10 de novembro de 2007


Olah, estou mudando pro blogger depois d séculos no weblogger...
Hj naum to nada bem... To com uma baita duma gripe... e febre... dor d garganta... horrível msm... mas fazer oq, neh?
Como eh o meu 1º post vou falar um pokinho d mim: sou d Curitiba (PR), tenho 19 anos, estudo Direito (to no 2º ano), faço Street Dance (em breve vou me apresentar no Teatro Guaíra...), adoro INTERNET (principalmente o ORKUT=)), TV, Música (sobretudo rock, mas nada impede q eu va gostar d uma musica d otro genero, mas o unico tipo d musica q eu naum curto msm eh pagode...)...
Como falei q curto TV, essa semana foi legal, pq estrearam as novas temporadas d um monte d séries q eu curto (Supernatural, por exemplo) e um monte novas q jah comecei a gostar tb (Chuck)... Outra série q naum conhecia, mas q descobri 2 semanas atrás eh FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS, mto legal!!! ADORO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bem, fiko por aki
por favor, desculpem qualquer coisa, pq sou nova no blogger...